Be a Harvest Star and give the gift that fills the hampers and moves the meals.
We love every tin for the bin we get, but sometimes (like now) we have to buy important staple foods. That requires cash. Moving that food, trucking, packaging, and keeping the lights on all run on donations from people like you!
So, whenever you ever think of donating to Harvest remember; dollars are a much-appreciated option. It’s easy to donate by phone (204-982-3581), EFT ( and online. Every cent we receive helps feed hungry Manitobans – children, youth, adults or families.

Harvest Manitoba:
Your Best Charity Investment
Harvest does more with less than just about anyone we know. It’s that money has no ‘best before date.’ and we can spend it on our greatest needs.
Phone: (204) 982-3581
Online: Click the button
Thank you!

Take Decisive Action in These Dire Times
As inflation continues to soar and the lingering effects of COVID-19 negatively impact our economy, there’s little hope of relief in sight. We have to come together as a community now. Each of us has to decide if and how we are going to help.
You can do both while you are here on this page. Decide to help and do it with a donation.
Right now. Please.

We are doubling our efforts to feed Manitobans through our Community Food Network of food banks and other agencies across the province.

What Your Dollars Buy
- Healthy & nutritious meals to help feed a record 20,000 households per month
- A gift of $30 = 31 meals for hungry Manitobans
- Every gift makes hungry Manitobans feel better, cared for, less afraid, and more secure
Give today and we will all harvest the benefits that come from nourishing our community, and our sense of community. Thank you in advance for your generosity!