Making an Impact

Learn more about how the power of community comes alive at Harvest Manitoba in our latest video. Featuring food bank coordinators, clients, and volunteers, this video shows the incredible strength we find in each other and the impact of working together to provide food for those who need it most.

Northern Manitoba Initiatives

As of 2024, Harvest Manitoba has delivered over 250,000 lbs. of nutritious food by air and ice road to remote communities in northern Manitoba. These trips are part of an ongoing initiative to expand our work to Northern and remote communities in partnership with First Nations and Indigenous-led organizations to improve food security in our province.

Rina’s Choice: The Road Back

Rina went from addict-in-forest to super-volunteer Harvest Star living on her own. A journey that started with a touch of kindness, and a taste for Harvest food.

Press play to view her story.

Ian Graham

Ian Graham has been a volunteer and client for Harvest Manitoba since 2012. After being denied Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) for Persons with Disabilities, Ian found himself at our doorstep, searching for advocates.

Click here to listen to Ian’s story.

Delivering hampers to Shamattawa

This winter, Harvest Manitoba delivered 4,000 pounds of food to northern First Nations reserves in Shamattawa and Fort Severn. This was done in partnership with Food Banks Canada and the Regional Food Distribution Association.

A $150,000 investment from Manitoba Pork ensures Manitobans eat well

Come along on a donation run to a foodbank in Carman, Manitoba for a delivery of fresh pork! A new partnership between Manitoba Pork and Harvest Manitoba will benefit 18 rural and urban food banks throughout Manitoba, helping the 100,000+ Manitobans we support every month.

Caring for Communities

Caring for Communities is an initiative from Manitoba Chicken Producers to bring frozen chickens to Winnipeg homes. The partnership between Manitoba Chicken Producers and Harvest Manitoba sees a weekly delivery of 1,000  frozen chickens delivered to the Harvest warehouse. These chickens are then separated into hampers and sent to the tables of those who need it the most.

For more info visit:

Linda’s Story

In 2013, Linda received the diagnosis no one ever wants to hear – terminal cancer. Linda was told to get her affairs in order and she took an early retirement from a career that included many years of work with various community organizations in Winnipeg. Although she was fearing the worst, Linda was able to beat back the terminal cancer diagnosis. Although she continues to have many health challenges and continues to receive cancer treatment, Linda is able to live on her own – with her dog Maggie of course!

Linda has always thought of herself as a thrifty person. She raised four children on her own in St. James and knows the value of a dollar. Linda was never someone who thought she would ever need to get support from an organization like Harvest – until now.

Stories of People Who Shine

Meet Emelda Nnadi

This fourth year University of Manitoba College of Nursing student elected to complete her fieldwork at Harvest. During her time here, Emelda was a contributing researcher for our  Harvest Voices 2021 Report. Harvest field placements give public health students the opportunity to take what they learn in the classroom and apply it in the real world.  In this video, Emelda discusses the importance of what she learned at Harvest and how those lessons will help her advocate for her future patients.

Press play on her photo to hear her Harvest Voice.



Caring for Communities

Proud to feature our Harvest Star partner Manitoba Chicken Producers. Through their Caring for Communities program 85 Manitoba farm families give 1,000 chickens every month to feed hungry families across the province.  Learn more about their incredible generosity.

Click on the video to watch.


Kerry Weyman

Kerry moved her family to Winnipeg in 1996 and found Harvest. In this feature video, she shares her moving story and poems she wrote about her struggles. She also talks about volunteering at Harvest and how it gave her more self-confidence. Kerry said she was so shy that she never spoke to someone until spoken to first – all that changed volunteering at Harvest.

Click on the video to watch her story.


Brenda Greyeyes

Brokenhead Ojibway First Nation Food Bank

Brenda Greyeyes of Brokenhead Ojibway First Nation Food Bank shares how vital Harvest support is for feeding those who need it most in their community.

Press play to hear Brenda’s Story

Brenda Payley

Food Nurtures Knowledge

Everybody knows Harvest distributes food – but Brenda is using it to bring lost food knowledge and cooking skills to the table of new generations.

Brenda Paley is the Executive Director of Action Centre Day Nursery – a multi-age group early childhood centre, located in the heart of the North End.

Press play to view her story.

At Harvest

Kind Hearts in the Warehouse

Your day will be just a little bit brighter for stepping into the warehouse to meet Peter and Setti. They’re terrific people who make Harvest happen — the very essence of Harvest Stars.

Press play to view their story.

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